Minecraft Axolotl Colors

Minecraft Axolotl Colors

In Minecraft, axolotls boast a delightful spectrum of colors that enrich the game’s underwater landscapes. Players can encounter these amphibious creatures in hues ranging from the playful pink of Lucy (Leucistic) to the earthy tones of the Wild axolotl and the striking golden sheen of the Gold variant. Rarer colors like Cyan and the highly sought-after Blue axolotl add an element of challenge and prestige to gameplay, encouraging exploration and strategic breeding efforts.

Each color variation not only enhances the visual diversity of Minecraft’s lush caves but also sparks creativity as players curate their underwater habitats to showcase these charming mobs. Whether collecting for aesthetic pleasure or aiming to complete a full color set, discovering and interacting with axolotls in their various colors is a rewarding and engaging aspect of the Minecraft experience.

Introduction to Axolotl Colors in Minecraft

Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game known for its limitless creativity and exploration, continues to captivate players with its constant updates and additions. One such addition that has charmed the community is the axolotl, a cute, amphibious mob that brings a splash of color to the game’s underwater environments.

Introduced in the Caves & Cliffs update, axolotls come in a variety of vibrant colors, making them a sought-after mob for players who enjoy collecting unique creatures.

The introduction of axolotl colors in Minecraft has added a new layer of excitement and challenge, encouraging players to explore the lush caves where these creatures spawn and to engage in breeding programs to discover all the possible color variations.

Axolotls in Minecraft can be found in five different colors: Lucy (Leucistic), Wild, Gold, Cyan, and the extremely rare Blue. Each color adds a distinct visual appeal, making axolotls not just functional allies in underwater adventures but also desirable pets for players’ virtual aquariums.

The different colors of axolotls are not just about aesthetics; they also reflect a commitment to biodiversity and the fun of discovery in the game. Players can spend hours searching for these delightful creatures, each color representing a new achievement and a testament to their perseverance and luck.

The rarity and variety of axolotl colors have turned these mobs into collectible items within the game, much like shiny Pokémon. This has fostered a new community of axolotl enthusiasts who share their finds, breeding tips, and stories of their adventures in lush caves.

Whether you are a seasoned Minecraft player or a newcomer, the colorful world of axolotls offers an engaging and rewarding experience, blending the thrill of exploration with the satisfaction of collecting unique and rare in-game creatures.

What Are Axolotls in Minecraft?

Axolotls are a fascinating addition to Minecraft, introduced in the Caves & Cliffs update. These amphibious creatures are modeled after the real-life axolotl, a critically endangered species native to the lakes of Xochimilco in Mexico.

In the game, axolotls bring life and color to the underwater biomes, particularly the lush caves, where they can be found swimming gracefully or resting on the cave floor.

Unlike many other mobs in Minecraft, axolotls are passive toward players, making them an appealing and non-threatening addition to the game’s ecosystem.

In Minecraft, axolotls have a unique set of behaviors that set them apart from other aquatic mobs. They can be collected and bred by players using buckets of tropical fish, which makes them a valuable resource for underwater expeditions.

Axolotls have the ability to play dead, which makes them temporarily invulnerable to attacks from hostile mobs. This defensive mechanism, combined with their ability to regenerate health when out of water, makes them resilient companions in underwater battles.

The inclusion of axolotls in Minecraft also highlights the game’s educational aspect. By introducing a species that is endangered in the real world, Minecraft raises awareness about biodiversity and conservation.

Players can learn about the importance of protecting endangered species while enjoying the thrill of discovering and breeding these charming creatures. The game’s mechanics allow for a deeper connection with the natural world, even within a virtual environment, as players engage with the lifecycle and habitat of axolotls.

Axolotls in Minecraft are more than just a cute addition; they represent a blend of education, gameplay, and environmental awareness. Their varied colors, behaviors, and breeding mechanics provide endless opportunities for exploration and creativity, making them a beloved part of the Minecraft universe.

Whether you are a collector, a breeder, or an adventurer, axolotls offer a unique and enriching experience that enhances the game’s depth and enjoyment.

Significance of Axolotl Colors

The significance of axolotl colors in Minecraft extends beyond mere aesthetics, adding layers of gameplay, collection, and personal achievement. Each axolotl color in the game represents different levels of rarity and value, encouraging players to engage in extensive exploration and breeding efforts.

This pursuit of diverse axolotl colors has created a vibrant subculture within the Minecraft community, where players share strategies, breeding tips, and stories of their rare finds.

The common axolotl colors—Lucy (Leucistic), Wild, Gold, and Cyan—can be found relatively easily in the lush caves biome, but the Blue axolotl is a coveted rarity with a spawn rate of approximately 1 in 1200.

This makes finding or breeding a blue axolotl a significant achievement, akin to finding a rare artifact or treasure in other games. The rarity of the blue axolotl has turned it into a status symbol among players, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment for those lucky enough to obtain one.

Beyond the thrill of the hunt, the different colors of axolotls add a layer of personalization and creativity to the game. Players can create custom aquariums or exhibits featuring their diverse collection of axolotls, each color adding to the visual appeal and uniqueness of their creation.

This aspect of Minecraft taps into the player’s desire for creative expression and customization, allowing for a more immersive and engaging gaming experience.

Moreover, the variety of axolotl colors serves as a reminder of the game’s underlying themes of biodiversity and conservation. By incorporating different colors and highlighting the rarity of certain variations, Minecraft subtly educates players about the importance of protecting endangered species and the beauty of natural diversity.

This educational aspect enriches the gameplay experience, making the discovery of each new axolotl color not just a game achievement but also a moment of learning and appreciation for the natural world.

Natural Color Variations of Axolotls in Minecraft

Minecraft’s axolotls, introduced in the Caves & Cliffs update, come in a delightful array of colors, each adding to the charm and diversity of the game’s underwater ecosystems. These color variations not only enhance the visual appeal of the game but also introduce elements of rarity and collection that excite players.

In Minecraft, axolotls can be found in five distinct colors: Lucy (Leucistic), Wild, Gold, Cyan, and Blue. Each color has its unique characteristics and rarity, making the quest to discover and breed different axolotl colors an engaging part of gameplay.

The natural color variations of axolotls in Minecraft are designed to mirror the real-life genetic diversity found in their endangered counterparts. In the game, these colors are randomly generated when axolotls spawn in lush caves, a new biome filled with vibrant flora and fauna.

This randomness ensures that players never know exactly what color axolotl they might encounter next, adding an element of surprise and excitement to their explorations.

Breeding axolotls is another way to discover these color variations. By feeding two axolotls buckets of tropical fish, players can breed them, producing a baby axolotl that may inherit its color from either parent or, less commonly, be a completely different color.

This breeding mechanic not only encourages players to collect and care for axolotls but also to experiment with different combinations to achieve their desired outcomes.

The color variations of axolotls in Minecraft play a crucial role in the game’s ecosystem, providing both aesthetic beauty and practical benefits. Players often create elaborate aquariums or underwater sanctuaries to showcase their collection of axolotls, turning these mobs into living art pieces within their virtual worlds. This aspect of Minecraft fosters creativity and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of life, even in a digital format.

Common Colors

In Minecraft, axolotls can be found in several common colors, each with its own unique appeal. These common colors include Lucy (Leucistic), Wild, and Gold, and they can be discovered relatively easily in the lush cave biomes.

Each of these colors brings a distinct visual style to the game, enhancing the player’s experience as they interact with these charming creatures.

Lucy, short for Leucistic, is a pink axolotl with a cute, almost playful appearance. This color is often the most recognizable and is beloved by players for its vibrant and cheerful look.

The Lucy axolotl stands out in any underwater setting, making it a popular choice for players who want to add a touch of whimsy to their virtual aquariums. Its bright color makes it easy to spot in the sometimes dimly lit lush caves, adding a bit of brightness to the subterranean world.

The Wild axolotl, on the other hand, has a more natural appearance, with a brown color and darker spots that closely resemble the real-life axolotls found in the lakes of Mexico.

This color variation appeals to players who appreciate a more authentic and realistic look for their in-game creatures. The Wild axolotl’s earthy tones blend well with the lush cave environment, providing a sense of harmony and natural beauty.

Gold axolotls are bright yellow and bring a striking visual contrast to the underwater landscape. Their golden hue makes them easily noticeable and adds a sense of rarity and value, even though they are relatively common compared to other colors.

Gold axolotls are often sought after for their eye-catching appearance and are a favorite among players who enjoy collecting visually distinct mobs.

These common colors of axolotls in Minecraft not only enhance the aesthetic diversity of the game but also provide players with various options for customization and collection.

Each color has its own charm and appeal, encouraging players to seek out and breed these delightful creatures to create a vibrant and dynamic underwater world.

Less Common Colors

In addition to the common color variations, Minecraft also features less common axolotl colors that add an extra layer of excitement and challenge to the game. The Cyan and Blue axolotls fall into this category, with Cyan being somewhat rare and Blue being extremely rare.

These colors are highly sought after by players, not only for their beauty but also for the prestige of having such rare creatures in their collections.

Cyan axolotls have a light blue color that sets them apart from the more commonly found varieties. This color variation is less frequently encountered in the wild, making it a more thrilling find for players exploring lush caves.

The Cyan axolotl’s serene and calming hue adds a touch of tranquility to any underwater setting, making it a favorite for players who want to create peaceful and visually pleasing aquariums.

Its rarity compared to the common colors makes finding a Cyan axolotl a notable achievement, sparking joy and a sense of accomplishment in the player.

The Blue axolotl, however, is the pinnacle of rarity in Minecraft, with a spawn rate of only 1 in 1200. This extreme rarity makes the Blue axolotl a prized possession and a symbol of dedication and luck.

Players who manage to find or breed a Blue axolotl often share their success with the community, showcasing their rare find as a badge of honor. The Blue axolotl’s deep, rich color stands out dramatically against the game’s aquatic environments, making it a stunning addition to any collection.

Breeding for these less common colors adds a strategic element to the game. Players must carefully select and breed their axolotls, hoping to increase their chances of producing a Cyan or Blue offspring.

This process requires patience and perseverance, as the odds are significantly lower than breeding for common colors. The challenge of obtaining these rare axolotls enhances the overall gameplay experience, providing a rewarding and engaging pursuit for dedicated players.

The less common colors of axolotls in Minecraft contribute significantly to the game’s appeal by adding layers of rarity, strategy, and excitement. Whether found through exploration or breeding, these rare color variations provide players with unique goals and achievements, enriching their gaming experience and fostering a sense of community among those who share their discoveries and successes.

Rare and Unique Axolotl Colorations in Minecraft

In Minecraft, the hunt for rare and unique axolotl colorations captivates players who enjoy the thrill of discovery and the satisfaction of collecting hard-to-find creatures. Among the five axolotl colors available, the Blue axolotl stands out as the rarest and most sought-after.

The journey to find or breed these rare colorations adds depth and excitement to the game, encouraging players to explore lush caves and engage in strategic breeding practices.

The rarity of these unique colorations isn’t just a game mechanic but a significant part of the Minecraft community’s culture. Players share stories of their rare finds and breeding successes, creating a sense of camaraderie and competition.

The unique colorations also allow players to personalize their underwater worlds, turning their aquariums into vibrant displays of their achievements and dedication.

Discovering a rare axolotl in the wild is a moment of excitement and celebration. These rare finds are often shared online, with players showcasing their luck and perseverance. This communal sharing fosters a sense of pride and motivates others to continue their quests.

The Blue axolotl, in particular, is a badge of honor, symbolizing hours of exploration and breeding efforts.

Breeding for rare colors adds a layer of strategy to the game. Players must carefully select their breeding pairs, hoping to increase their chances of producing offspring with rare colorations.

This process requires patience and perseverance, as the odds of obtaining a rare coloration are significantly lower than those of common colors. The challenge of breeding rare axolotls enhances the overall gameplay experience, providing a rewarding and engaging pursuit for dedicated players.

The appeal of rare and unique axolotl colorations in Minecraft lies in their combination of aesthetic beauty, rarity, and the sense of accomplishment they bring.

Whether discovered through exploration or breeding, these rare axolotls offer players a unique goal to strive for, enriching their gaming experience and fostering a deeper connection with the game’s virtual ecosystem.

Blue Axolotl

The Blue axolotl in Minecraft is the crown jewel of axolotl colorations, coveted by players for its striking appearance and extreme rarity. With a spawn rate of approximately 1 in 1200, finding or breeding a Blue axolotl is a significant achievement that symbolizes dedication, patience, and a bit of luck.

This elusive color variant adds a layer of challenge and excitement to the game, making the quest for a Blue axolotl a thrilling endeavor for many players.

The Blue axolotl’s deep, vibrant blue color sets it apart from other axolotl variations, making it an eye-catching addition to any underwater environment. Its rarity not only makes it a prized possession but also a status symbol within the Minecraft community.

Players who manage to obtain a Blue axolotl often share their success stories and breeding tips with others, creating a sense of camaraderie and competition.

Obtaining a Blue axolotl typically involves extensive exploration of lush caves or dedicated breeding efforts. Players who choose to explore must spend considerable time searching these biomes, hoping to encounter the rare blue variant among the more common colors.

This exploration process can be both time-consuming and rewarding, as the discovery of a Blue axolotl is often a highlight of a player’s adventure.

Breeding for a Blue axolotl adds another layer of complexity and strategy to the game. By carefully selecting and breeding axolotls with desirable traits, players can increase their chances of producing a Blue offspring.

However, the odds remain low, making each successful breeding a moment of celebration. This breeding challenge encourages players to experiment with different combinations and to persevere in their efforts, fostering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

The Blue axolotl’s rarity and beauty make it a highly desirable addition to any player’s collection. Its striking color and the effort required to obtain one contribute to its allure, ensuring that the Blue axolotl remains a prized and celebrated creature within the Minecraft universe.

Breeding for Rare Colors

Breeding for rare axolotl colors in Minecraft is a fascinating and rewarding aspect of the game, offering players the chance to engage in strategic planning and experimentation. This process involves pairing axolotls and hoping their offspring will inherit or exhibit rare color traits.

The breeding mechanic adds depth to the gameplay, encouraging players to invest time and effort into creating their desired outcomes.

The basic breeding process involves feeding two adult axolotls buckets of tropical fish, which triggers them to produce a baby axolotl. While the baby can inherit the color of either parent, there’s also a chance it could be born with a rare color, such as the coveted Blue axolotl.

The rarity of these colors means that breeding often requires multiple attempts, making each successful outcome a significant achievement.

Players looking to breed for rare colors must consider the genetics and probabilities involved. While there is no way to guarantee a rare color, increasing the number of breeding attempts can improve the odds.

Some players may choose to focus on breeding pairs that already have rare colors, hoping to increase the likelihood of their offspring inheriting these traits. Others might experiment with different combinations, keeping track of their results and refining their strategies over time.

Breeding for rare colors also enhances the social aspect of Minecraft. Players often share their breeding tips, strategies, and successes with the community, fostering a sense of collaboration and shared excitement. Online forums and social media platforms are filled with discussions about the best breeding practices, creating a supportive environment for players dedicated to this pursuit.

The challenge of breeding for rare axolotl colors adds an engaging and rewarding dimension to Minecraft. It combines elements of chance, strategy, and perseverance, making the process both exciting and satisfying.

Players who succeed in breeding rare axolotls not only enhance their own gaming experience but also contribute to the broader community by sharing their knowledge and achievements.

This aspect of the game highlights the creativity and dedication of the Minecraft player base, ensuring that the pursuit of rare axolotl colors remains a beloved and integral part of the game’s rich and diverse world.

How Axolotl Colors Are Generated in Minecraft

How Axolotl Colors Are Generated in Minecraft

In Minecraft, axolotl colors are generated through a combination of natural spawning and breeding mechanics. This process involves complex algorithms that determine the color of each axolotl based on specific probabilities.

The game’s code dictates the likelihood of each color appearing, adding a layer of randomness and excitement to the player’s experience. The variety of colors, which include Lucy (Leucistic), Wild, Gold, Cyan, and the ultra-rare Blue, enhances the visual diversity of the game’s aquatic environments and encourages players to engage in exploration and breeding activities to collect all possible color variations.

The generation of axolotl colors is influenced by both the natural spawning conditions and the genetic traits passed down through breeding. Natural spawning occurs in lush caves, where axolotls appear in their various colors based on predefined probabilities.

These probabilities are skewed in favor of more common colors like Lucy and Wild, while rarer colors like Cyan and Blue appear much less frequently.

This randomness ensures that players never know exactly what to expect when encountering axolotls in the wild, adding an element of surprise and discovery to their underwater adventures.

Breeding axolotls introduces another layer of complexity to color generation. When two axolotls breed, their offspring have a chance of inheriting the color of either parent or, in rare cases, displaying a different color altogether.

This mechanism allows players to influence the color outcomes by carefully selecting their breeding pairs, although the exact results are still governed by probability.

The challenge of breeding for specific colors, especially the rare Blue axolotl, adds depth to the gameplay and motivates players to experiment with different combinations and strategies.

Overall, the generation of axolotl colors in Minecraft is a dynamic process that combines elements of chance, strategy, and exploration. It enriches the gameplay experience by providing players with unique goals and the thrill of discovering and breeding these charming creatures in a variety of beautiful and rare colors.

Spawn Generation

In Minecraft, the spawn generation of axolotls is a captivating process that adds life and color to the game’s underwater environments. Axolotls naturally spawn in lush caves, a biome introduced in the Caves & Cliffs update, where they bring vibrancy and diversity to these subterranean habitats.

The spawning mechanism is driven by specific conditions and probabilities, ensuring a dynamic and unpredictable experience for players exploring these biomes.

Axolotls spawn in water, typically in groups of one to four, and are more likely to appear in dark environments with a light level of 7 or lower. This makes lush caves, with their rich vegetation and numerous water sources, an ideal spawning ground for these amphibious creatures.

The variety of colors in which axolotls can spawn adds an element of surprise and excitement to the exploration of these biomes. Players might encounter the more common colors, such as Lucy (Leucistic) and Wild, more frequently, while rarer colors like Cyan and the extremely rare Blue provide a thrilling discovery.

The rarity of different axolotl colors is determined by spawn probabilities encoded in the game’s mechanics. Common colors like Lucy and Wild have higher spawn rates, making them more likely to appear during exploration.

In contrast, Cyan axolotls are less common, and the Blue axolotl is exceptionally rare, with a spawn probability of approximately 1 in 1200. This rarity encourages players to spend more time exploring lush caves and searching for these unique creatures, adding a layer of challenge and engagement to the game.

The dynamic nature of spawn generation ensures that each exploration experience is unique, keeping the game fresh and exciting. Players can never be certain of what they will find, making each discovery of an axolotl, especially a rare one, a moment of joy and accomplishment.

This randomness and the beauty of the lush cave biome together create a rich and immersive environment that captivates players and enhances their Minecraft adventures.

Breeding Mechanics

Breeding mechanics in Minecraft offer players a fascinating and strategic way to influence the color and traits of axolotls, adding depth and engagement to the game.

This process involves using buckets of tropical fish to initiate breeding between two adult axolotls, which then produce a baby axolotl with a color that can be influenced by its parents but still subject to the game’s probabilities.

The basic breeding process starts with finding or collecting two axolotls. When players feed each axolotl a bucket of tropical fish, hearts appear above their heads, indicating they are ready to breed.

After a brief period, a baby axolotl is born, inheriting the color of one of its parents or, less commonly, displaying a different color. This offspring can take on any of the five available colors: Lucy, Wild, Gold, Cyan, or Blue.

While the baby axolotl often inherits the common colors of its parents, there’s always a chance for rare colors to emerge, adding an element of surprise and anticipation.

Breeding mechanics also include a cooldown period for the parent axolotls, during which they cannot breed again. This period encourages players to manage their axolotl population and plan their breeding strategies carefully.

The challenge of producing a specific color, especially the rare Blue axolotl, requires patience and multiple breeding attempts. This trial-and-error aspect makes each successful breeding a rewarding experience, as players celebrate the arrival of a new axolotl, particularly if it displays a coveted rare color.

The excitement of breeding for rare colors fosters a sense of community among players, who often share their breeding techniques and successes online. Discussions about the best breeding practices and strategies to increase the chances of rare color offspring are common in Minecraft forums and social media groups.

This collaborative environment enhances the overall enjoyment of the game, as players learn from each other and celebrate their collective achievements.

The breeding mechanics in Minecraft provide a unique and engaging way for players to interact with axolotls, combining elements of strategy, luck, and community interaction. This aspect of the game not only enhances the player’s experience but also adds a dynamic layer to the rich and diverse world of Minecraft.

Increasing Odds

Increasing the odds of breeding rare axolotl colors in Minecraft is a challenge that requires strategic planning, patience, and a bit of luck. While the game’s mechanics ensure that the rare colors, especially the Blue axolotl, remain elusive, there are several methods players can employ to improve their chances of success. These methods involve understanding the breeding mechanics, maximizing breeding attempts, and utilizing community knowledge.

The first step in increasing the odds is to understand the basic breeding mechanics. Each breeding attempt has a predefined probability of producing each color, with common colors appearing more frequently than rare ones.

To improve the odds of obtaining a rare color, players can increase the number of breeding attempts. This means collecting a large number of axolotls and providing them with plenty of tropical fish to trigger breeding.

The more breeding cycles players can initiate, the higher their chances of eventually producing a rare color offspring.

Another effective strategy is to selectively breed axolotls that have already produced rare colors. If a player successfully breeds a Cyan or Blue axolotl, using these axolotls in future breeding attempts can potentially increase the likelihood of obtaining more rare color offspring.

While the exact probabilities remain low, this method can slightly tilt the odds in the player’s favor. Keeping detailed records of breeding outcomes can help players identify patterns and refine their strategies over time.

Engaging with the Minecraft community can also be beneficial. Players often share their breeding successes and strategies on forums and social media platforms. By participating in these discussions, players can learn about new techniques, tips, and breeding setups that have worked for others.

Community-shared knowledge can provide valuable insights and shortcuts, potentially saving time and increasing the chances of breeding rare axolotls.

Finally, persistence and patience are key. The rarity of certain axolotl colors is designed to provide a long-term goal for players, adding depth and challenge to the game.

Embracing the process and enjoying the incremental successes along the way can make the pursuit of rare axolotl colors a more rewarding experience.

The thrill of finally achieving a rare color through dedicated breeding efforts is a highlight for many players, underscoring the importance of perseverance in Minecraft’s diverse and dynamic world.


Q. How many axolotl colors are there in Minecraft?

A. There are five axolotl colors in Minecraft: Lucy (Leucistic), Wild, Gold, Cyan, and Blue.

Q. Which is the rarest axolotl color in Minecraft?

A. The rarest axolotl color in Minecraft is blue, with a spawn rate of 1 in 1200.

Q. Where can I find axolotls in Minecraft?

A. Axolotls can be found in lush caves, a type of underground biome.

Q. Can I breed axolotls to get a blue axolotl?

A. Yes, but the chances are very low. Breeding two axolotls gives a baby a very small chance to be blue.

Q. Do axolotl colors affect their behavior in Minecraft?

A. No, axolotl colors do not affect their behavior. All colors have the same abilities and behaviors.

Q. Can axolotls be tamed in Minecraft?

A. Axolotls cannot be tamed, but they can be bred and will follow players holding a bucket of tropical fish.

Q. What is the significance of axolotl colors in Minecraft?

A. Axolotl colors mainly add visual variety and excitement for players who enjoy collecting and breeding them.

Q. How can I increase my chances of finding a blue axolotl?

A. Increasing the chances involves breeding many axolotls or exploring lush caves extensively, though the odds remain low.

Q. Do axolotls spawn in specific biomes?

A. Axolotls specifically spawn in lush caves, which can be found underground.

Q. How do I transport an axolotl in Minecraft?

A. Players can transport axolotls by catching them in a water bucket.


The vibrant world of Minecraft is enhanced by the addition of axolotls, whose diverse color variations add depth and excitement to the game. From the thrill of discovering naturally spawned axolotls in lush caves to the strategic planning involved in breeding for rare colors, these amphibious creatures offer players unique challenges and rewarding experiences. Common colors like Lucy, Wild, and Gold bring their charm and visual appeal, while the rare Cyan and the ultra-rare Blue axolotls provide goals that drive player engagement and foster community interaction.

Understanding how axolotl colors are generated in Minecraft, including the mechanics of spawning and breeding, is essential for players seeking to complete their collections or simply enjoy the beauty of these creatures in their virtual worlds. The game’s breeding mechanics encourage experimentation and strategic planning, offering a satisfying layer of gameplay that combines elements of luck and perseverance. Increasing the odds of breeding rare axolotl colors requires dedication and patience, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Hassan Shah

Hassan Shah carries over four years of hands-on expertise in caring for axolotls, guided by his cherished companion ‘Little Bruno,’ a thriving axolotl under his attentive care for three years.

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